Our mission is to foster hope for a better life for those facing food insecurity and for those without a permanent home by providing a hand up through innovative and compassionate programs with equality, dignity and respect.



Theory of Change is essentially a description and illustration of how and why a desired change is expected to happen in a particular context. It is focused in on mapping out or filling in what has been described as the “missing middle”. That is what is between what a program or change initiative does (its activities or interventions) and how these lead to desired goals being achieved. It does this by first identifying the desired long-term goals, and then works back from these, to identify all the conditions (outcomes) that must be in place (and how these relate to one another casually) for the goals to occur. These are all mapped out in an Outcome Framework.



Prevention takes many forms. It is important to engage one another at a level where one learns of situations and can come up with immediate solutions before the issue becomes a crisis. Ask family or friends for support services. Use the 211 network for information regarding County services. Access Health and Human Services, local non-profits, South Bay Community Services, faith-bases organizations and counseling services.


Intervention can only work, if the individual in crisis is willing to be proactive and willing to take action oriented steps to bring about change. This includes, setting and keeping appointments and being prepared with needed documents. Most importantly, following through with tasks given by those assisting. Lastly, being open minded to solutions, not expectations.


The healing processes begins when an individual can see how their action/non-actions played a part in the need for prevention or intervention. One must accept the current situation as far as it is fixable and take responsibility for ones behavior. Healing is gained when the individual is able to move forward and not repeat past mistakes or make poor choices.


As an individual puts into action a plan by which they are learning different ways to deal with crisis. New pathways are formed by creating a plan to self-sufficiency that includes bettering their lives through an educational model.

Personal Counseling/Group Therapy
Anger Management/Personal Resource Development
Continuing or Higher Education
Legal Assistance/Relationship Building


As an individual puts into action and maintains a plan in which they are learning new ways of dealing with crisis, they are able to share their experience for the betterment of those around them. Volunteerism is one avenue to give back through works of charity. Another can be to become involved in a large scale community project. Serving as a mentor and sharing one’s personal journey will inspire others!